This isn’t a church activity, but it should be of interest to church members, people interested in US and religious history, and anyone interested in spirituality.

=============Mary Baker Eddy


For the world to understand me in my true light, and life,
would do more for our Cause than aught else could”.
Mary Baker Eddy in 1893 to Edward Kimball.

         STEVEN SHORE, MOVIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMBER of this independent, full length feature film project on Mary Baker Eddy, her life and healing works, and the founding of The Christian Science Monitor, will give a presentation about this movie project.

SUNDAY, December 4th  at  4:00 PM

Capital Place
700 Black Lake Blvd
Olympia, WA

The meeting room is just off the main lobby.

              Presentations last 1 to 1 ½ hours with questions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               This film is for the general public worldwide, to be shown in neighborhood theatres.  A fellow Movie Board of Directors member on this project recently spoke at the Mary Baker Eddy library to Church Center workers, and will be giving a “Public” presentation at the Mary Baker Eddy Library after the first of the year.

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