Time Is Not a Factor in Your Life

October 25, 2018

Time Is Not a Factor in Your LifeTime Is Not a Factor in Your Life - a talk by David Hohle

Thursday October 25 at 7pm | All are welcome!
Lacey Community Center, 6729 Pacific Ave SE, Lacey, WA, 98503

This free talk explores how we can begin to gain spiritual freedom from limitation associated with time and age. Time is a constant in physics, but totally disappears in metaphysics. Time measures matter, but divine Mind or spiritual consciousness is immeasurable and infinite. This talk distinguishes between time and timelessness, age and agelessness, and encourages freedom from mortal limitations associated with time by understanding more about the spiritual nature of life. This understanding leads to more freedom, more productivity, and more harmony.

Time is not a factor in your life is not about how to get the most out of a 24-hour day, but how to gain dominion by living in the timeless, stressless spiritual now. We’ll look at what we mean by eternity. Is it a never-ending series of nows? What is immediacy? The Bible says, "now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation.” Could salvation mean, in part, freedom from the mortal tyranny of time?

The talk points out the advantages of identifying ourselves truly as God’s spiritual idea right now – continuous, ageless, useful, and as indestructible as He is – rather than as limited, aging mortals.

Finally, the listener is encouraged to allow his or her thoughts or moments to be God-moments – God-inspired and God-motivated. In this way the listener will be able to begin demonstrating that truly, time is not a factor.

For more information, call 360-352-1572 or visit www.csolympia.com

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